Microsoft is passing out a new ad campaign image. It highlights the gist of a new trade-in program it’s offering for potential Xbox One gamers.
As the ad suggests, you’ll earn $100 if you bring your PlayStation 3 into a Microsoft store and trade it in towards an Xbox One. Further investigation lead us to this link on the Microsoft Store’s official site.
The deal is indeed legitimate, though it extends to more than just the PlayStation 3. Here’s a bit of the fine print regarding what you can trade-in for $100 towards an Xbox One.
For a limited time, bring in your PS3, Xbox 360 S or Xbox 360 E and receive $100 of Microsoft retail store credit.
Are you willing to ditch an aging system for a brand new one? If the Xbox One shipped with Xbox 360 backwards compatibility, I bet a lot of gamers would be all over this in a heartbeat.
As it is now, they’ll need their previous generation machines in order to play the likes ofGrand Theft Auto V.
Any takers?